160 Best Hiking Hashtags

In the age of Instagram, using the right hashtags can take your hiking photos from hidden gems to viral sensations. Whether you’re trekking through misty mountains or enjoying a serene forest trail, the right hashtags help you connect with a broader audience who share your love for the outdoors.

Keep reading to discover the best hiking hashtags for Instagram…

30 Best Hashtags for Hiking

Using popular hiking hashtags can significantly boost the visibility of your outdoor adventures. Here are 30 top hiking hashtags to get you started:

  1. #Hiking

  2. #HikingAdventures

  3. #HikingLife

  4. #TrailTime

  5. #MountainViews

  6. #NatureLovers

  7. #HikingTrails

  8. #HikersParadise

  9. #WanderOutdoors

  10. #LoveHiking

  11. #HikingDaily

  12. #TakeAHike

  13. #TrailLovers

  14. #HikingGoals

  15. #ExploreNature

  16. #HikingCommunity

  17. #HikeMoreWorryLess

  18. #SummitViews

  19. #TrailTales

  20. #HikingJourney

  21. #HikingTheWorld

  22. #HikeOfTheDay

  23. #OutdoorEscapes

  24. #BackpackingLife

  25. #NatureTherapy

  26. #FreshAirAndFreedom

  27. #HikingLove

  28. #GoHiking

  29. #TrailBliss

  30. #HikingGram

Copy and Paste: Hiking Hashtags

#hiking #hikingadventures #hikinglife #trailtime #mountainviews #naturelovers #hikingtrails #hikersparadise #wanderoutdoors #lovehiking #hikingdaily #takeahike #traillovers #hikinggoals #explorenature #hikingcommunity #hikemoreworryless #summitviews #trailtales #hikingjourney #hikingtheworld #hikeoftheday #outdoorescapes #backpackinglife #naturetherapy #freshairandfreedom #hikinglove #gohiking #trailbliss #hikinggram

40 Hiking Hashtags for Instagram

Ready to expand your reach? Here are 40 more hiking hashtags to include in your posts:

  1. #HikeAdventure

  2. #ExploreMore

  3. #ForestTrails

  4. #TrailLife

  5. #NatureEscape

  6. #WildAndFree

  7. #IntoTheWild

  8. #WeekendHike

  9. #NatureWalks

  10. #ClimbEveryMountain

  11. #WildernessCulture

  12. #HikingCouples

  13. #HikingWithFriends

  14. #OffTheBeatenPath

  15. #WanderlustNature

  16. #OutdoorAddict

  17. #HikingAddicts

  18. #HikingVibes

  19. #WildPlaces

  20. #MountainLove

  21. #TrailBlazers

  22. #NatureFix

  23. #HikingInspiration

  24. #WildernessAdventures

  25. #TrailWanderer

  26. #HikingExplorers

  27. #MountainTherapy

  28. #NaturePhotographer

  29. #TrailChasers

  30. #NationalParkHikes

  31. #HikingDreams

  32. #AdventurousSpirit

  33. #HappyHiker

  34. #MountainTrailLove

  35. #HikingHeaven

  36. #NatureObsessed

  37. #TrailAdventures

  38. #HikingViewGoals

  39. #OutdoorFreedom

  40. #HikingInTheMoment

Copy and Paste: More Hiking Hashtags

#hikeadventure #exploremore #foresttrails #traillife #natureescape #wildandfree #intothewild #weekendhike #naturewalks #climbeverymountain #wildernessculture #hikingcouples #hikingwithfriends #offthebeatenpath #wanderlustnature #outdooraddict #hikingaddicts #hikingvibes #wildplaces #mountainlove #trailblazers #naturefix #hikinginspiration #wildernessadventures #trailwanderer #hikingexplorers #mountaintherapy #naturephotographer #trailchasers #nationalparkhikes #hikingdreams #adventurousspirit #happyhiker #mountaintraillove #hikingheaven #natureobsessed #trailadventures #hikingviewgoals #outdoorfreedom #hikinginthemoment

30 Mountain Hashtags

For those who can’t resist the call of the peaks, these mountain-focused hashtags will help showcase your summit moments and awe-inspiring views:

  1. #MountainLife

  2. #ClimbMountains

  3. #MountainMagic

  4. #MountainsAreCalling

  5. #MountainVibes

  6. #PeakAdventures

  7. #LoveTheMountains

  8. #MountainMoments

  9. #MountainTherapy

  10. #ExploreMountains

  11. #SummitViews

  12. #MountainAir

  13. #ChasingPeaks

  14. #MountainDreams

  15. #HighAltitudeLife

  16. #MountainBliss

  17. #EpicMountains

  18. #MountainLove

  19. #IntoTheMountains

  20. #MountainScenery

  21. #MountaintopMoments

  22. #HikingPeaks

  23. #AboveTheClouds

  24. #RockyMountainHigh

  25. #MistyMountains

  26. #WildernessPeaks

  27. #AlpineEscape

  28. #MountainTrails

  29. #PeakLife

  30. #SkyHighViews

Copy and Paste: Mountain Hashtags

#mountainlife #climbmountains #mountainmagic #mountainsarecalling #mountainvibes #peakadventures #lovethemountains #mountainmoments #mountaintherapy #exploremountains #summitviews #mountainair #chasingpeaks #mountaindreams #highaltitudelife #mountainbliss #epicmountains #mountainlove #intothemountains #mountainscenery #mountaintopmoments #hikingpeaks #abovetheclouds #rockymountainhigh #mistymountains #wildernesspeaks #alpineescape #mountaintrails #peaklife #skyhighviews

30 Hashtags for Nature Photography

Hiking and photography go hand in hand. Enhance the reach of your scenic shots with these nature-focused hashtags:

  1. #NaturePhotography

  2. #MountainPhotography

  3. #TrailShots

  4. #NatureScenery

  5. #OutdoorPhotography

  6. #LandscapeLover

  7. #HikingPhotos

  8. #NatureSnapshot

  9. #PhotoOfNature

  10. #HikingViews

  11. #ScenicTrails

  12. #InstaHike

  13. #PhotographyHikes

  14. #WildernessMoments

  15. #TrailView

  16. #AdventurePhotography

  17. #NatureCaptures

  18. #HikingInStyle

  19. #ScenicAdventure

  20. #WanderNature

  21. #MountainVibes

  22. #PicturePerfectNature

  23. #TrailMemories

  24. #ForestVibes

  25. #ExploreThroughLens

  26. #MountainLandscapes

  27. #TrailPhotography

  28. #NatureFrames

  29. #OutdoorBeauty

  30. #HikingLens

Copy and Paste: Hashtags for Hiking Photography

#naturephotography #mountainphotography #trailshots #naturescenery #outdoorphotography #landscapelover #hikingphotos #naturesnapshot #photoofnature #hikingviews #scenictrails #instahike #photographyhikes #wildernessmoments #trailview #adventurephotography #naturecaptures #hikinginstyle #scenicadventure #wandernature #mountainvibes #pictureperfectnature #trailmemories #forestvibes #explorethroughlens #mountainlandscapes #trailphotography #natureframes #outdoorbeauty #hikinglens

30 Funny Hiking Hashtags

Who says hiking can’t be full of laughs? Add a touch of humour to your hiking posts with these funny hashtags:

  1. #HikingHairDontCare

  2. #TrailsAndFails

  3. #TakeAHikeBro

  4. #SweatyButHappy

  5. #MountainMishaps

  6. #ForestFails

  7. #BlistersAreCool

  8. #HikingHumor

  9. #TrailSnacker

  10. #NotLostJustExploring

  11. #HikeAndSeek

  12. #RockyRelationships

  13. #PeakPerformance (Sort Of)

  14. #TooManySwitchbacks

  15. #NatureCalls (Literally)

  16. #TrailTanlines

  17. #HikingMakesMeHungry

  18. #AccidentalAdventurer

  19. #CampfireComedian

  20. #MountainGoatInTraining

  21. #TrailTalesGoneWrong

  22. #SummitOrPlummet

  23. #IGot99ProblemsButAHikeAintOne

  24. #HikingPunsRock

  25. #SteepInclineSweat

  26. #WhereIsTheView?

  27. #PathToSnacks

  28. #ChasingSunsetsAndWiFi

  29. #TrailDrama

  30. #OverpackersAnonymous

Copy and Paste: Funny Hiking Hashtags

#hikinghairdontcare #trailsandfails #takeahikebro #sweatybuthappy #mountainmishaps #forestfails #blistersarecool #hikinghumor #trailsnacker #notlostjustexploring #hikeandseek #rockyrelationships #peakperformance #toomanyswitchbacks #naturecalls #trailtanlines #hikingmakesmehungry #accidentaladventurer #campfirecomedian #mountaingoatintraining #trailtalesgonewrong #summitorplummet #igot99problemsbutahikeaintone #hikingpunsrock #steepinclinesweat #whereistheview #pathtosnacks #chasingsunsetsandwifi #traildrama #overpackersanonymous

Ready to conquer Instagram and the great outdoors? Whether you’re scaling peaks or wandering forest paths, these hiking hashtags are your ultimate guide to sharing and celebrating your adventures. Happy hiking! 🌲

Looking for a hiking quote for fuel your wanderlust at home? Head over to the My Mountains and Me Etsy Shop today!


Top 20 Gifts for Adventure Lovers in 2025


The Penycloddiau Walk