11 Tips for Hiking with a Baby
As you probably know by now, I have always been passionate about hiking and the great outdoors. So when our little Lily came along in December 2022 it was so important to me that she became a part of our adventures.
However, once she arrived the idea of hiking with my baby suddenly seemed extremely daunting. What if she cried the whole way? What if she needed changing half way up a mountain? What carrier should I choose - there are SO many options!
Fast forward 8 (and a half!) months, I can proudly say that venturing into the great outdoors with my baby has been the most amazing experience. We’ve shared so many special moments. Yes, she probably won’t remember any of our hikes - but hopefully we’re instilling a love of the outdoors and a sense of adventure in our baby girl.
Hiking with a baby is not only a fantastic way to introduce them to the wonders of nature but also an opportunity for us to bond and create lasting memories together.
While I'm no expert, I've learned a few valuable tips along the way that I'd love to share with you…
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1. Choose a Carrier That Works For You
One of the most crucial aspects of hiking with a baby is choosing the right baby carrier. For us, the BabyBjorn Carrier One Air has been a game-changer. It provides excellent support for both the baby and me, ensuring a comfortable and secure fit.
There are three types of carrier to choose from:
Soft Structured Carrier (SSC): These carriers typically have padded shoulder straps and waistbands, providing good weight distribution and comfort.
Wrap: Wraps are long pieces of fabric that you wrap around your body to create a secure pouch for your baby. They offer a custom fit but may have a steeper learning curve.
Mei Tai: Mei Tais combine features of both wraps and SSCs, offering a more traditional feel with straps that you tie.
Make sure to find a carrier that suits your body type and offers good back support since you'll be carrying your precious cargo for extended periods.
For newborns, you'll want a carrier that provides proper support for your baby’s head, neck and hips. Look for carriers with adjustable panels that can accommodate a growing baby.
Now that Lily can support herself well - we’re going to transfer her to the Deuter Women’s Kid Comfort soon - watch this space!
2. Plan your Hike in Advance
Before setting out on your hiking adventure, take the time to plan your route carefully.
Choose a route that is suitable for beginners and make sure it's well-marked. Research the trail's terrain, elevation gain, and any potential hazards.
I always make sure I have my OS Map with me just incase I need to change my route on the day.
Planning ahead will help you anticipate what to expect on the route and ensure a smoother journey for you and your baby.
3. Start Local
When embarking on this new adventure, it's wise to start with shorter and local hikes. This allows you to gauge your baby's comfort level and get accustomed to the logistics of hiking with a little one. As your baby grows, you can gradually tackle more challenging trails together.
4. Always Check the Forecast
We all know that the weather can change without much warning in the UK!
Always check the weather forecast before heading out. Sudden rain or extreme temperatures can make the hike uncomfortable for both you and your baby. Being prepared for changing weather conditions is essential for a safe and enjoyable adventure.
Whilst we’re talking weather, always avoid hiking during the hottest part of the day. This can be uncomfortable for both you and your baby. Opt for early morning or late afternoon hikes when temperatures are more bearable during the summer months. This also provides an opportunity to enjoy the cooler and more peaceful moments in nature.
5. Pack the Night Before
Preparation is key when hiking with a baby.
Pack your hiking essentials the night before to avoid last-minute stress. Don't forget to include items like wipes, nappies, a changing mat, snacks, a sun hat, layers of clothing, a change of clothes for your baby, and waterproof gear. Being well-prepared ensures you can handle any situation that may arise during your hike.
Some of my baby hiking essentials include:
Toy Attachment String (to attach to your baby carrier!)
Snacks if 6 months+ (These are Lily’s fave!)
6. Dress Your Baby Accordingly
The weather can change quickly during a hike, so dressing your baby in layers is a smart choice.
Start with a moisture-wicking base layer to keep them dry, add an insulating layer for warmth, and top it off with a waterproof jacket (I LOVE this yellow duck waterproof from Regatta) or onesie to protect against rain or wind.
Ensure that your baby's clothing is appropriate for the current weather conditions to keep them comfortable throughout the hike.
Check out my guide What to Pack When Hiking with a Baby or Guide to Outdoor Gear for Kids for more information on dressing your baby for hikes!
7. Feed and Change in the Car Before You Start
Before hitting the trail, take some time to feed your baby and change their nappy in the comfort of your car. This ensures your baby is comfortable and content when you begin your hike, reducing the chances of fussiness along the way.
8. Protect Your Baby From The Sun
Sun protection is crucial when hiking with a baby. Dress your baby in lightweight, long-sleeved clothing to shield them from the sun's harmful rays. Don't forget to apply baby-safe sunscreen (if over 6 months) to exposed skin, including their face and hands.
Additionally, consider using a baby sunhat and sunglasses with UV protection to keep your baby's eyes and face well-shaded.
9. Take Lots of Breaks!
When hiking with a baby, it's essential to take frequent breaks.
Babies can become restless if confined for too long, so schedule regular pauses to let your little one stretch, explore, and enjoy the surroundings. These breaks also provide an opportunity for feeding, changing nappies, and keeping your baby comfortable.
Plus it’s a good opportunity for you to rest and refuel - carrying a baby on a hike is no easy task!
10. Don’t Be Disappointed If You Have to Turn Around
Remember, hiking with a baby is a unique experience, and flexibility is key. Your baby's well-being and comfort should always be your top priority. If your baby seems unhappy or uncomfortable, don't hesitate to turn around and head back.
There's no shame in admitting that today's adventure might not be the one you had envisioned. There will always be another day.
11. Have Fun!
Lastly, and most importantly, have fun! Hiking with your baby is an opportunity to create cherished memories and share your love for the outdoors. Embrace the adventure, and don't forget to take in the sights, sounds, and smells of nature with your little one.
Their wonder and curiosity can make even the simplest hike an extraordinary experience.
Hiking with a baby can be a wonderful and rewarding journey. With the right preparation, a comfortable baby carrier, and a willingness to adapt to your baby's needs, you can enjoy the beauty of the outdoors while strengthening the bond between you and your little one.
So, plan your adventure, take breaks to enjoy the scenery, protect your baby from the elements, and dress them accordingly. Happy hiking!
Looking for a souvenir to remember your hike? Head over to the My Mountains and Me Shop to discover a range of adventure and hiking gifts!