30 Positive Affirmations for Kids

I’m a big believer in the power of positive affirmations. And as new mum, I want to make sure positive affirmations become a daily part of our family life.

Looking for a list of positive affirmations for your children? You’ve come to the right place!

These positive statements can help boost children's self-esteem and confidence, improve their mindset, and encourage a positive outlook on life.

Keep reading to discover 30 affirmations that you can use to help your children feel great about themselves…

What are Positive Affirmations?

Group of kids hugging

So, what are positive affirmations?

Positive affirmations are statements that are designed to inspire positive thoughts and emotions. They can be used to help people feel more confident, happy, and successful.

For kids, positive affirmations can be a powerful tool to help them develop a positive self-image, improve their self-esteem, and encourage a healthy mindset.

By affirming their strengths, values, and potential, children learn to believe in themselves and their abilities.

These small statements can have a huge impact on your child’s wellbeing!

Benefits of Positive Affirmations for Kids

The benefits of positive affirmations for children are numerous and far-reaching.

They help boost self-esteem and confidence, encourage a positive outlook on life, develop resilience and coping skills, and foster a growth mindset. By internalising these affirmations, children develop a strong foundation upon which they can build their sense of self-worth and navigate life's challenges with grace and optimism.

List of Positive Affirmations for Kids

Here are 30 positive affirmations for kids that you can use to help your child develop a positive mindset:

  1. I am loved.

  2. I am kind.

  3. I am strong.

  4. I am brave.

  5. I am smart.

  6. I am talented.

  7. I am creative.

  8. I am important.

  9. I am enough.

  10. I am unique.

  11. I am capable.

  12. I am respectful.

  13. I am responsible.

  14. I am helpful.

  15. I am honest.

  16. I am trustworthy.

  17. I am friendly.

  18. I am optimistic.

  19. I am grateful.

  20. I am joyful.

  21. I am confident.

  22. I am loved just the way I am.

  23. I can do anything I set my mind to.

  24. I am a good listener.

  25. I am a good friend.

  26. I am a problem solver.

  27. I am a leader.

  28. I am fun to be around.

  29. I make good choices.

  30. I am proud of myself.

How to use Positive Affirmations for Children

Group of kids saying positive affirmations

These positive affirmations for children can be used in a variety of ways. You can write them down on a piece of paper and place them in your child's room or on their mirror.

Making affirmations fun and engaging can help reinforce their message and make them more memorable for children. Activities such as affirmation jars or boxes, affirmation artwork or crafts, and affirmation bingo or scavenger hunts can all be effective ways to incorporate positive affirmations into your child's life in a playful and meaningful way.

Or you can simply have your child repeat them out loud every morning or evening.

It's important to encourage your child to believe in themselves and their abilities.

Say it loud and say it proud!

Remember, the more your child hears these positive statements, the more they will begin to believe them and develop a positive self-image.

More top tips …

  • When crafting affirmations for children, it's important to choose language that is age-appropriate and relatable.

  • Incorporating imagery and specific examples can help make the affirmations more meaningful and impactful for kids.

  • Encouraging children to personalise their affirmations allows them to take ownership of their positive self-talk and internalise it more deeply.

  • Integrating affirmations into your child's daily routine is key to ensuring they become a natural part of their mindset. Whether it's incorporating them into morning rituals, bedtime routines, or finding opportunities for affirmation throughout the day, consistency is key to reaping the full benefits of positive affirmations for kids.

  • While the benefits of positive affirmations are clear, it's important to acknowledge that some children may initially resist or feel skeptical about using them. Addressing their concerns with empathy and understanding and providing support and encouragement as they navigate their feelings, can help them embrace the power of positive affirmations more fully.


1. What exactly are positive affirmations for kids?

Positive affirmations for kids are short, positive statements that children repeat to themselves regularly. These statements are designed to encourage positive self-talk, boost self-esteem, and foster a healthy mindset.

2. At what age can children start using positive affirmations?

Children can start using positive affirmations as soon as they are able to understand and repeat simple statements, typically around preschool age or even earlier. However, the language and complexity of the affirmations may need to be adjusted based on the child's age and developmental stage.

3. How do I know which affirmations are suitable for my child?

Choose affirmations that are age-appropriate and relevant to your child's interests, strengths, and challenges. Consider their unique personality and needs when selecting affirmations that resonate with them.

4. Can positive affirmations help my child build confidence?

Yes, positive affirmations can be a powerful tool for building confidence in children. By repeating affirmations that reinforce their strengths, abilities, and worth, children learn to believe in themselves and their potential.

5. What if my child feels silly or uncomfortable saying affirmations?

It's natural for children to feel silly or uncomfortable at first when using affirmations, especially if it's a new concept for them. Encourage them to give it a try and reassure them that it's okay to feel a little awkward at first. With time and practice, they may become more comfortable with it.

6. How often should my child repeat affirmations?

Encourage your child to repeat affirmations regularly, ideally daily, as part of their morning or bedtime routine. Consistency is key to internalising the positive messages and reaping the full benefits of affirmations.

7. Can positive affirmations help my child deal with challenges or setbacks?

Yes, positive affirmations can help children develop resilience and coping skills, making it easier for them to navigate challenges and setbacks. Affirmations that focus on perseverance, problem-solving, and self-compassion can be particularly helpful in these situations.

8. What if my child doesn't believe the affirmations they're saying?

If your child struggles to believe the affirmations they're saying, try to choose affirmations that feel more genuine and relevant to them. Encourage them to focus on the process of repeating the affirmations rather than the immediate results, and remind them that it's okay to have doubts sometimes.

So go ahead, give it a try, and see the positive changes in your child's life!

Looking for more positive affirmations? Check out my list of 72 positive affirmations to help improve your mindset or these positive affirmations for pregnancy and birth!


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